Installation Guide

Installation Guide

To install eZee Dashboard:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.

  2. Click the Administration link on the top bar and choose Add-ons.

  3. Click Find new add-ons from the left side of the page and locate eZee Dashboard via search.

  4. Click Get it now to download and install eZee Dashboard plugin.

  5. A confirmation message and the app details will display, if it is installed successfully.

  6. Go to your dashboard, click "Add gadget" button in the top right corner of the screen and select eZee Dashboard gadget.

To update eZee Dashboard:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.

  2. Click the admin drop-down, choose Atlassian Marketplace and the Manage add-ons screen loads.

  3. Find eZee Dashboard on the list of your installed add-ons and click the Update button.

To uninstall the add-on:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.

  2. Click the Administration link on the top bar and choose Add-ons.

  3. Click Manage add-ons from the left side of the page. You will see all apps installed on your JIRA instance.

  4. Under User-Installed Add-ons, search for eZee Dashboard and click on it.

  5. Click on Uninstall button. The information summary will display an uninstalling message and the app will be uninstalled from JIRA.

Got some issues?

For production or evaluation issues, please feel free to report them directly to eZee Dashboard support. Our support engineer will follow up with you quickly.