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Tracking issues



Tacking issues is a functionality that allows you to pick issues on which you are logging your work time.
With a dashboard gadget, you can keep them all at hand.


Add the gadget to your dashboard

Choose a dashboard or create a new one (if it’s an existing dashboard click “Edit” to modify it).
Search for eZee Worklog Plus on the list of available gadgets.
Click add.



Choose issues for tracking


The filter is by default set to show unresolved issues that you are assigned to.
Use the “Clear all filters” option to search among all issues available for you.



You can search for issues that you want to track using several filters:

Issue key/summary

  • find issues by key or summary.


Status category

  • find issues by status.


  • find issues by priority.


Assigned to me

  • shows only issues assigned to you.

Current sprint

  • find issues in the current sprint.

Assigned to me

  • find issues assigned to you.

Log timer


Skip resolved

  • hides issues that have been resolved


Track issues

Select chosen issues using the checkboxes on the left of the list.
Once you click the “Track issue” button timers for these issues will be shown on your dashboard



Sorting issues

You can reorder timers on your dashboard by using the drag-and-drop method. “Catch” the timer by clicking any empty space of it and move up or down



Remove from tracking

If you do not need a timer for a particular issue you can remove it by clicking the trash bin icon in the top right corner.


Log summary

In the top left corner of the gadget you can find a log summary showing total time logged for a current month and for a current day.






The timer works like a stopwatch and allows you to measure time spent on a particular task in real-time.
All you have to do is start the tracker when you start working, and stop it when you’ve finished. You can also pause it in case of any breaks.



To start measuring time spent on an issue, press the play button on the right side.
Once the timer starts, you can stop/pause it using pause button or reset it using c-button.


Log timer button is used to save the “Stop” button, that will replace “Start”.
The ”Reset” button will stop the timer and delete the measured time.



Log work time


eZee Worklog Plus allows you to log your work time with two methods:

  • saving the time measured by the timer

  • creating a work log based on provided time


Log timer

The log timer button saves the current timer value with 1-minute precision.



Log work

Clicking on the Log work button will open the dialog where you can see the input fields which should be filled to log time.

To log time for a single day, provide time spent and check the "Single day" option.




Multiple worklogs

To log time for multiple days, provide time spent, check select the "Multiple days" option setting, and choose the logging strategy - option: spread or repeat.





  • log the same amount of time on each day between chosen dates (Saturdays and Sundays excluded).
    (i.e. if you enter 6 hours and choose a span of 3 working days, 6 hours will be logged for each day, totalling in 18 hours logged)


  • the amount of time you specified will be divided by the number of days between chosen dates (Saturdays and Sundays excluded) and the resulting amount will be logged on each day (again, excluding weekends) after rounding up to full minutes.


  • if you enter 6 hours and choose a span of 3 working days, 2 hours will be logged for each day)


The description field is optional.

Submit your worklog work logs using the Log work button.Work button.



Issue view


All the actions and fuctionalities are also available from the issue view



Actions menu

Actions menu allows to execute following operations, depending on issue state:

  • Add to tracking - issue will be shown on your dashboard

  • Remove issue from tracking - issue will be removed from dashboard

  • Start tracking - starts the timer

  • Stop tracking - stops the timer

Issue tracker

“Open Issue tracker” will show you the timer in place of issue fields.

Timer will work in the same way as on the dashboard, with same


You can hide it and display the fields again by clicking the arrow on the top.



Hide tracker on issue view

You can disable displaying tracker on issue view in app settings.

Switch the “Issue view gadget” toggle to hide the trackers.
