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Table of Contents |
Please note the following information before installing eZee Timesheets.
To be able to work with eZee Timesheets your environment should be configured with time tracking as follows:
JIRA Time Tracking provider: Jira provided time tracking.
Log into your Jira instance as an admin.
Click the dropdown menu and choose Atlassian Marketplace.
Click Find new apps.
Locate eZee Timesheets via search.
Click Free trial to download and install your app.
You're all set!
eZee Timesheets - Overview
The basic functionality is ready to use immediately after installation and does not require any configuration.
Every user can create specification draft and submit it to approval by default.
The project leaders are responsible for accepting the time spent to work on the project included in the specification and can do this without any additional permissions.
Additional permissions
By installing the application we added three new global permissions to your jira:
EzeeTimesheets administrator – witch allows to administer eZee Timesheets addon.
EzeeTimesheets human resource – witch allows to manage employees data for specifications in eZee Timesheets addon.
EzeeTimesheets manager– witch allows to accept specifications previously accepted by project leaders in eZee Timesheets addon.
Create timesheet and send it to approval/confirmation
Go to the „My specification” -> "Create Specification Draft" tab.
Select the time period you would like to create timesheet for and click "Show Specification ".
After that EzeeTimesheets will load the worklog data from jira.When you are pleased with your specification structure click "Submit for review" button to finish creation process.
Complete the specification details: specification number, specification date and click "Save".
Download the specification document
Downloading the specification document is possible only if all elements of the specification have been accepted.
Go to the „My specification” -> "Submitted" tab.
Browse the submitted specification list for desired specification.
Once you've located desired specification and all elements of it are accepted you can download the specification document by clicking on "Download specification document" action button.
Approval of the specification by management isn’t required to download the document.
Update or delete submitted specification
You can update unapproved elements of the specification and specifications that have not been submitted for approval by the supervisor yet.
If you want to update time spent on a project:
Go to JIRA worklog and correct the entries regarding the working time.
The data update may take 5 minutes.After that go to the "My specification" > "Submitted" tab and check the correctness of the specification.
If the element you have modified is:
Rejected - in the actions column, select the „Submit for review” action icon.
In review - you have nothing to do. Project leader will see correct data.
Accepted - you can no longer update the specification - the only way is to ask the supervisor to reject the corresponding element of the specification.
Add specification element
EzeeTimesheets allows you to add new elements to previously submitted specifications in draft status.
If you want to add time spent on a project that is not included in the submitted specification, and the specification has the Draft status:
Go to JIRA worklog and add work.
After that go to the "My specification" -> "Submitted" tab.
Use the "Add" action icon on the updated row.
You can also delete the specification or remove specification element if specification is in draft status
If you want to delete the entire specification or its elements:
Go to the "My specification" -> "Submitted" tab.
Browse the submitted specification list for desired specification or specification element.
Delete the entire specification by using “Delete specification” action icon. or specification elements by using “Remove” action icon
Specification approval/rejection
Project Leaders
As a project leader, you will be responsible for verifying the submitted specifications in the section related to your project.
Go to the "Specification review" -> "To review" tab.
Only specifications that are waiting for approval are shown on the screen.Choose the specification you want to verify,
If you would like to see specification details click the "Expander" button on the left.Verify the data and make a decision
Accept - if you accept specification element, select the "Accept" action icon
Reject – if you reject specification elements select the "Reject" action icon, after that enter the reason for rejection in the dialog box and click "Save".
If you perform all your actions the specification will not be visible here. To view it, go to: "Specification review" > "All specifications"
You can also withdraw the approval if the specification hasn’t been submitted for approval by the superior (Specification status: Draft).
As a manager, you can verify the specifications whose elements have been approved by the project leaders.
You need: ’EzeeTimesheets manager’ global permission to access this functionality.
Go to the "Management" -> "Specification to review" tab.
Only specifications that are waiting for approval are shown on the screen.Choose the specification you want to verify,
If you would like to see specification details click the "Expander" button on the left.Verify the data and make a decision
Accept - you can only approve the entire specification, if you accept specification, select the "Accept" action icon
Reject – you can only reject elements of the specification. The option to reject the entire specification is not available. If you wont reject specification elements select the "Reject" action icon, after that enter the reason for rejection in the dialog box and click "Save".
If you accept the specification, it won’t be visible here. To view it, go to: " Management" > "All specifications".
If you reject an element of the specification, it will be sent for correction to the author of the specification.
Managing employees
You can change the organizational unit related to the indicated employee.
You need: ’EzeeTimesheets human resource’ global permission to access this functionality.
Update user/employee data
Go to the "Human resources" -> "Employees" tab.
Select the employee for whom you want to make changes.
Click "Edit" button.
Make changes e.g. assign an organizational unit
Click "Save" button.
Manage organizational units
From the application level, you can add a list of organizational units in order to assign employees to them.
This provides additional possibilities for monitoring, grouping and searching for specifications for leaders and managements.
You need: ’EzeeTimesheets administrator’ global permission to access this functionality.
Go to the "Administration" -> "Organizational units" tab.
Click "Add" button.
Complete the form.